Just the good stuff.

When you just want flavor and none of the funky stuff.

We appreciate your business!

We have temporarily closed our store so we could attend to our family's cross-country move. We hope to reopen once we get settled in our new home.

You're welcome to lok around our site and see what products we've started with. We hope to reopen with a whole new line of convenient but good-for-you food seasonings!

Why Nothin' Funky?

If you've looked at a food label lately, you're familiar with all the "funky stuff" companies are adding to packaged food. These hidden ingredients lead to health issues and allergic reactions. For many, that means giving up the convenience of buying a spice packet at the store when certain foods are no longer healthy for them to eat. As our family navigated food allergy testing, we began tweaking recipes so we could still enjoy our family's favorite recipes. Our friends and family enjoyed our versions so much more than their store-bought alternatives, they encouraged us to share these food mixes with the world! 

We are bringing convenience back to healthy food!


This is my family’s new favorite seasoning! My tween-ager dips everything in ranch dressing, and now I don’t even feel guilty because this is all natural, no preservatives and no salt!


My kids refuse store-bought packaged taco seasoning now. 


Finally seasonings my family can enjoy with our special diets. I can have convenience (which is rare with our restrictions) AND it tastes good!
