About Us


It is said that necessity is the mother of invention.
That is how Nothin’ Funky got its start.

We didn't start with a business in mind.

Just dinner.

Dinner that wouldn't take hours to make and still taste as good as the convenient packets. It began as an effort to recreate our family favorite recipes while we were navigating an assortment of food allergy elimination diets. It started when we discovered the Feingold Program, opening our eyes and our minds to various ways our bodies will tell us that certain foods were triggering negative behavior. 

After we removed artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners from our diet and our home, we began to see the benefit of the changes we were making. We then embarked on our first round of Whole30 in hopes of becoming reacquainted with the foods our bodies need and function best with. If you've ever done an elimination protocol, you know it's not always fun.

As a busy, homeshcooling mother of two, I had to say good-bye to our standbys and convenience foods. Gone were the days of buying "easy" food that made meal prep simple.  We had to start reading labels more carefully and and we found many of our favorite prepared foods contained “funky stuff”, ingredients and fillers that were making us feel less than awesome. We quickly learned that most pre-packaged foods were “off limits” for us and pretty much anyone trying to eat healthier. As we met more people looking for convenient alternatives to their store-bought, “funky stuff” laden foods, we were inspired to reinvent our family favorites and share the taste and convenience with everyone.

Whether you’re following a food protocol like Whole30, Feingold, Trim Healthy Mama, Keto/Low-Carb, Paleo, Gluten-free, Sugar-free, Vegan, or just wanting to enjoy tasty food that won’t make you feel awful,  Nothin’ Funky has what you’re looking for!

 Who is behind the Nothin' Funky logo and products?

We are Tara and Kevin Balcom. We aren't a big corporation with multiple departments of people being delegated the many tasks that go into launching a business or product. Kevin helps with the production and making dinner when Tara's been on the computer all day designing product packaging or teaching herself how to design a website (when she's not homeshchooling their kids of course!). We came up with the recipes in our own kitchen (packaged in a commercial kitchen) and our research and development team consists of our kids and a great group of friends.

When you leave a review or feedback, we appreciate your insight and will do our best to respond personally to thank you, because your satisfaction and enjoyment of our products matters to us.

When you email or message us, you are contacting Tara, not an intake department that will route your message to someone else because what you have to say matters to us.

When you purchase our products, the order is handled by a real person (usually Tara) and it matters to a real family. And when you receive that order, you can know it was hand packaged and hand fulfilled by our family and providing you with a quality product and customer experience matters to us.

We sincerely thank you for your loyalty and we look forward to sharing new recipes with you!

Contact Us:

The easiest way to contact us is via email or Facebook .